Featured Stories

  • 76-year-old woman walks from Chicago to Montgomery for racial equity

    Story with Scott Minshall and Addie Weaver on CBS 42. Videography by Daniel Rives.
    Birmingham. AL • August 11, 2024

  • One woman is walking from Chicago to Montgomery to speak out about racial injustice

    Rachelle Zolawalks ten to fifteen miles a day, pushing a small handcart adorned with a sign that says, “ASK ME WHY AM I WALKING 754 MILES?” The 76-year-old woman is walking from Chicago, Illinois, to Montgomery, Alabama, to raise awareness of racial injustice in America.

    Interview with Sara Güven of NPR.
    Birmingham, AL August 23, 2024

  • ‘We have to be part of the solution’: White woman walking for racial equality stops in Huntsville

    Interview with Darryl Burke on CBS News 19 WHNT.
    Huntsville, AL • July 13, 2024

  • 76-year-old woman to walk over 700 miles for racial equality

    Interview with Nikki Hauser on News Channel 5.
    Nashville, TN • June 21, 2024

  • 75-year-old woman walks through Paxton on 750-mile mission

    Interview with Jack Krumm of WCIA.
    Champaign-Urbana, IL • April 23, 2024

  • 75-year-old to walk from North Lawndale to Alabama, performing one-woman show to call out racism

    Interview with Jasmine Minor of ABC 7 News.
    Chicago, IL • March 29, 2024

  • One woman's mission to reimagine a world without racism

    Rachelle Zola is preparing for a pilgrimage to Montgomery, Alabama, to bring attention to social justice and racial equality, and she’s using storytelling to get her point across.

    NBC News 5 with LeeAnn Trotter. Photo by Andy Swindler.
    Chicago, IL • March 11, 2024

  • White woman on pilgrimage to talk about racism says a collective can end it

    Interview and article by Deborah Bayliss. Photo by Alejandra Guerrero.
    Chicago, IL • March 13, 2024

  • She’s white. She’s 73. And she’s on a 40-day hunger strike for slavery reparations: ‘Am I willing to die for this?’

    Interview with Rachelle Zola in the Chicago Tribune about her 40-day hunger strike demanding Congress pass H.R. 40: Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act.

    Interview and article by Nara Schoenberg. Photo by Brian Cassella.
    Chicago, IL • June 17, 2021